Day 18: Efe's team wins the pyramid task!
Team Yellow wins the pyramid task
Still on his strategy to continue uniting the Housemates, Biggie instructed Captain Efe to divide them into two equal groups and get them to build pyramids using a base frame and a set of balls.
Biggie’s plan was to remind the Housemates of their roots by building pyramids just like those of the Karo, which were built using manual labour by Karo farmers many years ago. They built the pyramids by stacking sacks of groundnuts.
Immediately after reading the task brief, Captain Efe hastily called out the Housemates’ names and grouped them into the two groups. At the sound of the buzzer, the Housemates sprang into action and started building the base for their pyramids while the Big Brother Ninjas hid the extra balls they needed to complete the task. After realising they needed more balls they ran helter-skelter through the house, searching from top to bottom.
Ultimately team yellow was victorious completing their pyramid first and winning themselves a special lunch as a reward from Biggie!
Day 18: Efe's team wins the pyramid task!
Reviewed by Vicente
February 09, 2017
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